Forgiveness seems to be something of a lost art these days. Just go take a peak at Twitter and you are practically guaranteed to find someone condemning and judging someone else (most of the time someone they don’t personally know). We live in a cancel culture that is getting so bad that even Barack Obama is speaking out against it. We live in a culture where being outraged and angry is an acceptable norm, even within Christian circles.
Now don’t get me wrong, we also live in a culture with unspeakable evil. Things happen every day that should be shocking but have turned into the norm. We hear of things that make being angry seem justified. Yet the Bible is very clear on this subject. It leaves no room for wonder about what God would expect from us with regards to forgiveness.
For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.
Matthew 6:14-15 (ESV)
“Even if that person wrongs you seven times a day and each time turns again and asks forgiveness, you must forgive.”
Luke 17:4 (NLT)
There are so many other Bible verses that I could list that say the same thing as those two. To forgive is “to grant pardon for or remission of (an offense, debt, etc.); absolve” ( It does not mean to excuse what was done, but to release the person from your judgement. To always forgive is a very hard command but there is an incredible amount of power in it. It is amazing to see examples of forgiveness, like those of Botham Jean’s brother, but at the same time it is shocking to see it happen. Our culture is so far away from one of forgiveness that it is shocking to see people walk in it. I know there is no way I can follow it except when I am submitting to Jesus and full of His love. Forgiveness does not come out of my natural desires. So when I can follow this command, the love of Christ is on full display. That has the power to change lives.
There is power in choosing to do what your spirit says to do instead of what your flesh wants to do.
Alex Seeley – The Opposite Life
The act of forgiveness is so powerful. It has the power to set us free. Forgiving others can remove the weight off of our shoulders. Forgiveness is the reason Jesus gave up everything to die for me. In Him, I have the power to model that for others. It is a process. It is something I have to practice daily. Sometimes it is something I have to force myself to do. But if God can forgive a broken and beat up mess like me, who am I to not do that for others?
until next time…