People like to say that nothing in life is guaranteed. While I understand what they are trying to say, I don’t agree. There are some things in life that are guaranteed. One of those things is that storms will come. There will be times that try to test us. Jesus, when talking about building your life on a strong foundation, says in Matthew 7:27, “When the rains and floods come and the winds beat against that house, it will collapse with a mighty crash.” The rains and floods are coming.
When thinking of preparing for storms, I often think about the people who prepare way too much for big catastrophes. The people who have bunkers built with years worth of food in it. They have moved to some remote location on top of a hill to be able to see any threats coming. They have weapons and fences and all kinds of things to protect them. If the zombie apocalypse (or just the regular apocalypse) happen they will have a jump-start on everyone else. If The Walking Dead has taught us anything, even with all these plans those people don’t stand a chance.
It’s fitting that Jesus told the disciples about storms in Matthew 7 because Matthew 8 tells us about a time a storm hit that shook the disciples. Matthew 8:23-24 says, “Then Jesus got into the boat and started across the lake with his disciples. Suddenly, a fierce storm struck the lake, with waves breaking into the boat. But Jesus was sleeping.” I’ve never been in a boat during a storm like this, but I imagine I would be panicking if waves were breaking into a boat I was on. I’d grab a bucket or anything that could hold water and try to get the water back out of the boat as fast as I could. Or I’d be puking my brains out because I have such bad motion sickness.
At some point one of the disciples noticed Jesus wasn’t helping out. They went to find out why and they found him asleep. A couple of thoughts come to mind. If the storm was bad enough that waves were breaking into the boat, how in the world did Jesus stay asleep. Also, why wasn’t he helping? The disciples weren’t cool with Him sleeping and Matthew 8:25 tells us, “The disciples went and woke him up, shouting, “Lord, save us! We’re going to drown!” If I had been on that boat I’m not sure I would have been that kind to Jesus.
The response Jesus gave is powerful. In Matthew 8:26, He tells them, “Jesus responded, “Why are you afraid? You have so little faith!” Then he got up and rebuked the wind and waves, and suddenly there was a great calm.” The disciples had tried everything they could to survive the storm except turn to Jesus. As soon as they called on Jesus, He calmed the storm. He didn’t need to grab a bucket and scoop out water. All He had to do was speak to the storm and it listened.
There have been times I’ve gone through a storm and it seems like I can’t get out. Everything I try falls short. But the moment I turn to Jesus and ask Him to rescue me, the waves are calmed. Planetshakers sings in their song I Know Who You Are, “Though the storms may rage, they still know your name.” The storms will rage, but they still have to obey Jesus. The only way a storm can defeat us is if we don’t call upon the name of Jesus. When we invite Him to help in the storm we will see the wind and waves calmed.
No amount of preparation will adequately prepare us for the storms that life will throw our way. But no storm is too big for God to calm. Invite Him into the situation and He will restore peace to it.
until next time…