I don’t really have a great story to begin this post, but something I’ve been learning a lot about recently is how to be content. It can be so easy in our social media world to see how “great” other people have it. I say that with quotes because we all really know that everyones’ life isn’t as good as they make it appear on social media. But it is really easy to think, “why don’t I have that?”

The psalmist struggles with this in Psalm 73. In verse 17, he says, “Then I went into your sanctuary, O God, and I finally understood the destiny of the wicked.” When he entered into the presence of God he realized how foolish it was to have those thoughts. And in verse 28 he concludes the psalm with, “But as for me, how good it is to be near God! I have made the Sovereign Lord my shelter, and I will tell everyone about the wonderful things you do.”
The funny thing that I have found about not being content is that I am not looking at the ways God is blessing me. I could write a book with just the stories of how God has blessed me. And it isn’t just things in the past. God is continually blessing me.
On Black Friday, I ordered a Ninja blender from Target (#adultlife). To make a long story short, because of a typo in their ad, I also got a $50 gift card. A couple of weeks ago at work, someone dropped off some stuffed animals that were left over from an event at which they volunteered. They dropped them off for us to pass out to our after school students. They were not aware of how many students we have enrolled. We have 70 students enrolled and they dropped off exactly 70 stuffed animals.
When I am not content, I am forgetting about all the ways I am seeing God move. I have to remind myself how good it is to be near to God. When I remind myself of that I see all the ways He is moving in my life and I am completely content.
until next time…