For over a year I’ve need to lose some weight. I’ve wanted to lose the weight and even at times attempted to lose the weight. Due to weekly donations at work, there is not a shortage of sweet treats in my office. It was too much to handle when I first started working. One time last fall I stopped eating sugar at work for 3 weeks hoping that would work. Nope. So then I told myself I would only eat one sweet treat a week. That didn’t work either. Soda is my other downfall. I would tell myself I would only drink three sodas a week, and that turned into getting soda three times with unlimited refills. Combine that with a very irregular workout routine and I was not seeing the results I desired.
A few weeks ago, I decided I couldn’t do this anymore. I was tired of screwing around and being out of shape. It was time to get serious. My vacation to the beach was five weeks away, so I decided for those five weeks I would not eat sugar. I also decided that I would work out every day Monday through Friday. My Beachbody coach asked me if I wanted to join a focus group for a new three week program that was coming out. Every part of me wanted to say no, but I knew the accountability would be good for me, so I said yes. The program ends the day I leave for the beach. I also decided that after the five weeks I am not going to go back to drinking soda. To help keep that commitment, I asked my mother-in-law not to buy any for me when shopping for the beach trip. Angela joined me in the no sugar commitment to help keep me accountable.
I’m two and a half weeks into that commitment and I’ve already lost close to seven pounds. It is amazing what will happen when you make a firm commitment to something. I goofed off for over a year and didn’t get any results. As soon as I made a firm commitment I saw results immediately.
Sometimes I find myself doing the same thing with God. I’ll be goofing off in my relationship with Him and wondering why I’m not seeing Him move in my life. Deuteronomy 30:19 tells us we have choices between life and death, blessing and cursing. And then verse 30 says, “You can make this choice by loving the Lord your God, obeying him, and committing yourself firmly to him. This is the key to your life.” The Bible tells us that a firm commitment is key to life and blessings.
When I’m not making a firm commitment to God it shouldn’t be surprised that I’m not seeing Him move in my life. James 1:6-7 says,
“But when you ask him, be sure that your faith is in God alone. Do not waver, for a person with divided loyalty is as unsettled as a wave of the sea that is blown and tossed by the wind. Such people should not expect to receive anything from the Lord.”
When I don’t make a firm commitment to God, I am unstable and shouldn’t expect to receive anything. But just like when I made a firm commitment to lose weight, when I make a firm commitment to God I see results. I see Him move in my life. I received blessings from God. I can tell I am in a much better place when my commitment is firm.
until next time…