There is no doubt that 2020 will be a year talked about for a very long time. It is also taking a play from the LOST playbook and leaving us with more questions than answers (Did Jack make the putt?). One of the toughest parts is not knowing the answers. We are people that want answers to everything. It’s part of the reason conspiracy theories are taking off right now. I was listening to a sermon by Rudy Nikkerud (Planetshakers) recently and he said, “God never called me to a life of understanding.” That simple truth can be so frustrating and so hard to understand.
So as Christians should we just be ignorant people that don’t search for the truth? That isn’t what I am saying at all. We need to search for the truth above anything else, but we have to remember what the truth is.
Jesus *said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me.
John 14:6 (NASB)
Jesus is the truth and He is what we need to seek above anything else. That doesn’t mean we won’t ever have questions. That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t ask them. That also doesn’t mean that we should fabricate an answer when we have become exhausted because we haven’t received an answer.
So many people want to come up with a reason for why God would allow the coronavirus? Why? So many people want to come up with a reason for why God hasn’t miraculously healed the world. Why?
I’ve learned that I have to be comfortable with the phrase “I don’t know.” I’ve learned that when I can admit that it frees me to be able to trust in God. It frees me to hold on to the truth. Jesus is the truth that will never change. Holding onto that is the most freeing thing ever.
I have no idea why 2020 has unfolded the way it has but I do know that God hasn’t changed. His love for me hasn’t changed. His grace for me hasn’t changed. His calling for me hasn’t changed. Nothing about God has changed. And I have come to a place of being comfortable knowing that I’ll probably never know the why of 2020. In the end, the why doesn’t matter. God has called me to love Him and love others and 2020 has given me plenty of new opportunities to do that. Rather than trying to figure out the why, I am going to try to run into that.
until next time…