Let me start by saying Happy Easter to everyone. Not sure if this will disappoint you or not, but this will not be a blog about Easter. Sorry or you’re welcome, whichever applies.
This past week I was in Myrtle Beach and it was fantastic. I got to spend a lot of time relaxing. I also got to get a lot of work done (if you haven’t checked out nickandangelaonline.com yet I think it is worth a look). I also got to spend a lot of time with God. It was nice because there were lots of time that I was laying around (either at the pool or beach) that I could just pray. I have a list of prayer request from friends, so one time I was just praying through that list. While I was praying for one of my friends God stopped me and let me know He had something for me to share with them. He led me to Luke 12:53 which says, “They will be divided, father against son and son against father, mother against daughter and daughter against mother, mother-in-law against her daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law against mother-in-law.” I knew the context of why God would want me to share that verse, but that still does not make it an easy verse to swallow. So my response to God was, “Are you sure this is the verse you want me to share? Isn’t there another one that covers the same topic that isn’t as harsh?” I even went as far as to start searching for another verse myself. My search didn’t really provide me with any better options, so I presented my case to God again. God hadn’t changed his mind, that was the verse He wanted me to share with them. I read the verse a few more times and played over in my mind how the conversation would go. Most of the scenarios were awkward and/or bad. Then as I was reading the verse again, God pointed out a key word in it. He drew my attention to the word “division”. Suddenly in my head it made sense. So I sent a text to this person telling that them God wanted me to share that verse and say that sometimes division is His will. I still wasn’t really sure how it would be received, but I decided it would probably be best to obey God.
Within minutes I received a text back from my friend that read, “Wow! Thanks. I was sitting around thinking about that for a while.” They then told me about how they had made a risky/bold decision to stay on campus for Easter weekend and wasn’t sure how it was going to go over. Basically they were telling me that God was confirming that the decision they had made; what I told them actually lined up with what they thought God was saying to them. Shocking I know!! (catch the sarcasm if you didn’t) Turned out God really did know what He was talking about and I was foolish to doubt Him.
This is not the first time I have gone through this experience, and I know it won’t be the last. There have been many times that God has given me words for other people and I usually have the same thought process. Part of me is excited because I know it will bless the person. Part of me is scared that I am just making it up. Part of me would rather God just tell them Himself. In all my experiences, no matter how much I beg, plead, or argue, God has never let me off the hook. If I don’t take the risk, then I am going to rob that person from receiving what God wanted them to have. I’d be lying if I said I’m at a point that I can deliver the things God tells me with confidence. I’d be lying if I said that I have never chickened out. There has always been a part of me that is nervous and worried that I am going to miss the mark. I have even started a conversation with, “I don’t really know why God wants me to tell you this but I am just going to obey him.” After that conversation, the person didn’t really know either. Then about a week later they talked to me and told me they had spent a lot of time praying about it and God had really opened their eyes to some stuff. And I’m sure there have been times where I missed the mark. But if I never took a risk, I would never have a chance of hitting the target. Wayne Gretzky said, “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.” If you don’t know much about Gretzky, just Google search “Gretzky records” and check out the absurd amount of records he set.
It was really cool to see God use me to bless and affirm my friend. It made taking the risk worth it. Maybe there are some things in your life that you are debating about. Maybe God has told you some things and you are trying to find another way. Maybe you are unsure of what the results will be. I’d encourage you to step out and take the risk. You never know what blessings are lying ahead!
I’m sure there are some of you out there who have taken risks and seen God do amazing things. I’d love to hear your stories. Leave a comment or send me an email!
until next time…