I was watching TV the other day and saw a Dr. Pepper commercial with Pitbull in it. In the commercial he says, “A dream is for those who sleep.” I do not agree with this statement. Now stay with me, because I know he is not saying that you should not dream. However, I think that he is discounting how important the dream is. The dream is where it all begins. The dream is where we create all the big ideas. The dream is what motivates us. Sadly, the dream is often also where it all comes to an end.

Pastor Sean often says, “A goal is a dream with a deadline.” God said it like this in Habakkuk 2:2, “Then the LORD answered me and said, “Record the vision and inscribe it on tablets, That the one who reads it may run.” The reason most dreams die is because we are not willing to write it down and figure out how to get from point A to point B.
It is time to stop killing dreams.
I am a big dreamer. I can come up with an idea and give you an elaborate plan of what it can turn into. I can paint the picture so vividly you would think I had been there before. When I worked at Trinity Academy, I could tell you how our small summer day camp could turn into a residential camp. Just last week, I was talking to someone about a website idea and told them how it could turn into a touring conference.
Unfortunately, I am also a dream killer. Many of my dreams have fallen to the wayside because I will not map them out. Now is the time for that to end. I have a firm belief that God has given me passions and talents for a reason. I believe it is time for me to stop ignoring them and start pursuing them. It is time to record the dream and add in some deadlines. It is time to stop staring at the road ahead and start walking down it.
Do not be like I have been. Do not just look down the road but start taking some steps. Do not let your dreams just be dreams. Do something today to make them a reality. Write them down, add in some deadlines, and watch them come to life!
until next time…
Photo courtesy of Stefano Corso