In case you haven’t noticed from all pollen that is around, spring is back! It is finally that time of the year that I can wear flip-flops and shorts again. Another thing that comes back with spring is baseball. Now I am not a huge baseball fan. I am not the kind of person that can watch a game on TV. The only way I can do that is if I have something else to do while I am watching. Even the other night when NC State was playing UNC, I had to put the game on my iPad and watch something else on TV. But I really enjoy going to baseball games. Some people may find that weird, but I think it is very similar. I don’t go to games alone, so I get to enjoy some nice weather with some good friends and there is a baseball game going on in the background. Thinking about that brings me to this week’s POTW. It is from an NC State vs. UNC game in the ACC tournament. We didn’t realize this when we went, but we got a 2 for 1 deal since this game went to 18 innings. We weren’t really planning on being at the ballpark that long, but we weren’t going to leave such a great game. Around 10:20pm, Josh got a text from a buddy with this picture:
Apparently we made it on the Fox Sports broadcast, but that’s not the best part about this picture. The faces in this picture are priceless. I will now try to recreate the thoughts behind the faces.
Me – “I think that camera may be on me… better not make a stupid face.”
Josh (to my left) – “YAYYYYYYY!!!! THAT IS THE GREATEST PLAY I HAVE EVER SEEN IN MY LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
Guy in front of me in NC State polo – “I’ll clap for the play but if you don’t get the camera off of me I’ll go Walter White on you.”
Guy in front of Josh wearing red hat and red shirt – “Wait…. that was you…..”
Guy in grey shirt – “I’m not really sure what is going on in the game, but I was able to get my “go green” message out to the world.”
What do you think we were thinking?? Let me know in the comments below.
until next time…