Football is my favorite sport. I can watch any game of football regardless of who is playing. I also used to be very involved in fantasy football. So much so that I have even written blog posts about my frustrations with it. I’ve paid for apps to help me in my draft. I would spend time each week evaluating players and trying to make roster decisions. I was never great at it (although securing a first round bye last year in my fantasy league ended up costing me the championship but that’s another story for another time), but I enjoyed it. But this year I decided I was not going to play in any leagues except my family league.

I took the last month off of blogging, and there is one big thing that it allowed me to see. There were some priorities I needed to reset in my life. I stepped away from fantasy football so that I would have some extra time to spend with my family. In our family league, half the people don’t manage their team so I don’t spend any time managing mine either (other than making sure I don’t have someone in my line-up who is on a bye week). Now don’t get me wrong, I am not saying playing fantasy football is wrong. Just in my situation I would rather spend my time differently.
The same was true with my blog. There were many times I would sit down to write a post and have nothing to write. I would get frustrated because I knew I needed a post to go up, but I didn’t want to write something that wasn’t from the heart. I have had success with Facebook Live and Periscope and would want to make another video but I wouldn’t have anything to say. What I’ve learned over the past month is that my writer’s block usually correlates with a lack of spending time with God. I want to use these platforms to encourage people and bring people closer to God, but if I am not doing that on my own how can I use these platforms to do that for others.
So I have made some intentional changes over the past month to set some priorities straight. Some people would say #adultlife and complain about it. I would say it is the adult life but I love it. My son is constantly bringing a smile to my face (well except when he saves his poopy diaper for me). I love spending time with Angela. I need to spend time with God. If I want my blog to grow, I need to be intentional about being consistent with posting and I can’t do that without having those other priorities in line. I have scheduled times on my calendar to work on my blog. I’ve turned off a lot of notifications on my phone. I am trying to not always have my phone on me when I am at home.
I have by no means mastered all of this and it is still very much so a work in progress. For those of you who were wondering where my break would lead, I am back and I plan on being more consistent than I ever have been on my blog. You expect at least one, but most likely two new posts a week. I plan on getting back on Facebook Live (and maybe Periscope) at least a few times a week. There will be more to come in the future, but that is where I am starting. Adding one piece at a time and making sure I can keep all my priorities straight.
until next time…