One thing that seems to always live up to the hype is mom groups on Facebook. Since I’m married, I get some inside access to a few mom groups thanks to Angela. There always seems to be drama on them. Moms can be ruthless. Social media in general seems to be that way lately. You can get on twitter swipe for a while, click on a random tweet and there is a good chance there will be people arguing in the comments. Complete strangers will go back and forth over something so petty. Sometimes I am tempted to jump in and comment, but I have learned (the hard way) that it is way better to stay out.
This week I was listening to Bob Goff’s Dream Big podcast and he said something that was so good. He said, “Every fight is not yours to fight, but every person is yours to love.” Let that sink in for a minute.
“Every fight is not yours to fight, but every person is yours to love.”
Bob Goff
He goes on to talk about how we can all be difficult at times. Rather than fighting or blocking out the difficult people, we should find ways to love them. That is exactly how Jesus loves us. I am so quick to hide people on social media when they are posting things that I don’t agree with or bother me. I’ve never really thought about what I could do to show them love instead. It’s a very challenging thought. It is one that makes me uncomfortable. For that reason, I know it’s a thought I should pursue.
You can check out the full podcast below (or wherever you listen to podcasts).
until next time…