Last September I wrote about how I was going to tackle my fear of Periscope. I knew I needed to be using Periscope more and I figured if I wrote a blog post about how I was going to it would force my hand. Seemed like a pretty foolproof plan. Except it wasn’t. I maybe did one or two scopes after that post and then went back away from it. I continued to let the fear be in my life. I continued to walk in my insecurities. Every week I would meet with my Mastermind group and they would tell me I was making a mistake and I would usually say something that started with, “Yeah, but…”
The thing was I hadn’t actually dealt with the insecurity. I tried to put a mask on it, and it was a pretty weak attempt at that. A little over a month ago I decided I was finally going to face off against my fear. I was just going to bite the bullet and start doing scopes. OK so that wasn’t really all of my motivation. I was also motivated by a couple of new people joined my Mastermind group. They found out about Periscope and jumped right in. I couldn’t let a couple of rookies show me up.
Recently I have been reading through Exodus and got to the story about Moses and the burning bush. Moses sees this burning bush as he is tending his flocks and goes up to it to investigate. God begins speaking to him and tells him that he will go to Pharaoh and convince him to free the Israelites. Moses doesn’t think he is the right person for the job. In Exodus 3:11-12 it says,
But Moses protested to God, “Who am I to appear before Pharaoh? Who am I to lead the people of Israel out of Egypt?” God answered, “I will be with you. And this is your sign that I am the one who has sent you: When you have brought the people out of Egypt, you will worship God at this very mountain.
Moses was completely insecure about going to Pharaoh and telling him to let the people of Israel go. He didn’t want to do it at all but God said something pretty cool in response. God tells Moses that He will be with him. Moses didn’t think he was the person for the job but God told him that didn’t matter. He just needed to find his security in God and God would take care of the rest.
I found myself in a very similar places as Moses. I was more worried about the things I would say and what people would think. I just needed to find my security in God. And of course when I stepped out and finally jumped in, I found it wasn’t as scary as I thought it would be. For about a month I have done at least 3 scopes a week. I even jumped into the land of Facebook Live (since I missed the chance to be a super early adopter of Periscope I couldn’t make the same mistake with Facebook Live). I’ve had scopes with lots of people viewing and I’ve had scopes with hardly anyone viewing. But it has been really cool to see what God has done through it. I’ve had people tell me how my scopes blessed them and I’ve been able to connect with people who have blessed me.
If you’re not already following me on Periscope you should click the icon (right side of page for computers, below post for mobile) and follow me. I’d love for you to join me on a scope and chat with you!
until next time…